Solutions are needed, CIIS makes it happen

 The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS), coordinated by Marlene Barros is the Research Unit in Health of Universidade Católica Portuguesa and is present in 3 Regional Centers (Lisboa, Porto and Viseu).

CIIS develops interdisciplinary research, building on knowledge based on the different perspectives of scientific approaches to each problem, namely:

  1. On the nature of processes, from the molecule to mind;
  2. On the life path, where study of learning and neural plasticity in childhood, changes associated with aging, end of life concerns and palliative care is done;
  3. In the relationship between the Human Being and the world, where study is focused on language and communication in its different aspects and cognition;
  4. On an Overall Health view of the responses to health-disease-recovery situations.

Patient education and motivation are a fundamental concern of CIIS in order to involve and empower vulnerable individuals and communities in the health, disease and recovery processes.

CIIS aims at producing contributions to Precision Medicine and Biomarkers, and to Digital Health and  is aligned with the strategy of the National Plan for S&T and with the Smart Specialization Strategies defined both at the national and the regional levels.

CIIS aims to contribute with solutions for a 4P approach to Health: Predictive, Preventive, Personalized and Participatory.